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21-Day Nurture Your Nervous System

Because You’re Ready to Heal!

Liberate your personal sovereignty, learn to nurture your nervous system, understand the psychobiology of trauma and discover what it takes to cultivate your own healing.

Authenticity is your birthright!

If you’re impacted by the complexities of adoption, or you are a professional who supports someone who is, you know that getting to the heart of pre-verbal trauma seems impossible and probably requires an experienced guide who not only understands trauma resolution, but also has a proven map to get you there, because they have been there themselves.

You may have wondered if healing is actually possible when you have a wound you don’t even remember, but you know affects every aspect of your life. You may have already spent hours in therapy trying to get to the bottom of it all. Healing adoption trauma requires more than simply talking about what happened, because trauma is not just what happened to us, but rather the collection of symptoms we experience in the body after the trauma is over. If untreated, these symptoms can affect our health, our relationships and our sense of Self.

The healing, sense of belonging and authenticity you seek starts with nurturing your nervous system.

Why Understanding the Nervous System Matters in Healing Adoption Trauma

The nervous system is like the control center of our bodies, influencing how we interact with our environment and regulating all other bodily systems. Specifically, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a crucial role in our overall health and healing—it’s like the “universal blueprint” to achieving deep and lasting well-being.

In the journey of adoption, many of us face challenges and seek to heal ourselves or resolve issues without addressing our nervous system first. However, neglecting this foundational aspect can prevent us from achieving genuine and lasting change and relief.

That’s why it’s essential for adoptees, first parents, adoptive parents and welfare professionals in the adoption community to prioritize understanding and nurturing their nervous systems. By doing so, we can lay a strong foundation for emotional resilience, relational health and overall well-being.

Now is the time to focus on nurturing YOUR nervous system, ensuring it supports your journey of healing and growth in adoption.

Program Components

In the 21-Day Program you’ll receive:

  • 7 x Compelling Lessons that teach you key concepts in nervous system attunement so you can lay the foundation for trauma healing
  • 8 x Mindbody Practices to Nurture Your Nervous System so that you can grow the flexibility needed to shift from states of protection to connection
  • 5 x Psychobiology of Trauma Video Lectures to teach you the vital nervous system science behind the practice of adoption trauma healing

You’ll also receive Lifetime Access.  Your 21-Day Nurture Your Nervous System program is all yours to keep and available on a handy app so you can engage anytime, anywhere.

Cultivate Your Own Healing.

The good news is that you really can cultivate your own healing. You may have however felt broken at times!  Chances are no one has ever taught you how important your nervous system is, what it has to do with healing, nor given you the information or practices to make sustainable change.  You were never broken.

Whilst life will always throw you curveballs, when you have a regulated nervous system, and can move flexibly between states, you can build emotional resilience and learn to avoid being knocked down over and over again. To do this you need to work at a deeper level; that being your nervous system.

A regulated and nurtured nervous system brings so many benefits.  Imagine expanding your capacity for dealing with stress, improved concentration, better health, more energy, greater peace of mind, ageing gracefully and safe & supportive relationships.

This is how we are designed to live our lives!

4 Extra Special Bonuses

These four bonuses have been lovingly created to support you throughout the program and are available immediately once you log in.

BONUS #1:  Somatic Expressive Exercise:  From Protection to Connection

BONUS #2:  Your Guide to Actually Sticking with it:  Staying Consistent to Succeed

BONUS #3:  Somatic Journalling Exercise:  Countering Shame

BONUS #4:  Your Guide to Building Resources:  Embodying Well-Being

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